
Pay your Royal Cable bills via @Shopee and get a P100 OFF discount.

Pay your Royal Cable bills via @Shopee and get a P100 OFF discount.

Valid only for ShopeePay transactions with a minimum spend of P1,000!

When paying a Royal Cable bill, use the voucher code below:

Voucher Code: ROYALCABLE100SEP

Promo Period: September 5, 8-10, 14-16, 20 & 29-30, 2022

Pay now using the link below!




– This offer is valid for all Shopee users who will pay their Royal Cable bills via ShopeePay in the Shopee app.

– Upon entering the voucher code, the discount will reflect in the final payable amount.

– Voucher is valid once per transaction per month.

– Customers who avail the promo agreed and understood the terms and conditions.



  • Double Check the details before proceeding to confirmation.
  • Past due and disconnected account can still be accepted but need to contact the biller for reconnection of access.
  • SHOPEE USER will be responsible for contacting the biller for any mistake in the account input.
  • Please allow 2-3 banking days for payment posting.


DTI Permit No. FTEB-144269, Series of 2022

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